Home Competitions Fine Arts Festival in United Arab Emirates

Fine Arts Festival in United Arab Emirates

by sam
  • Organization: Al Qasimi Foundation 
  • Type: Competition
  • Award: 5,000 AED
  • Hosting Country: UAE
  • Application Deadline: May 31,2021

The Festival Committee welcomes submissions addressing the 2022 theme The Journey from artists, photographers, and filmmakers of all ages, nationalities, and experience levels, regardless of their emirate or country of residence. ​ 

2022 Festival Theme: The Journey 

In 2022, the Ras Al Khaimah Fine Arts Festival celebrates a convening of journeys: Our 10th anniversary, and the UAE’s 50th anniversary. In our annual celebration of contemporary art, we are reflecting on the journey of the Festival, Ras Al Khaimah, and the United Arab Emirates. 

We are inviting artists to consider the notion of the journey through the lens of ancestry, migration, national identity, and the self. Where has our journey taken us? What has our journey taught us about our present? And how will our journey inform our future?  

Before completing an online submission form, please read the Conditions of Entry & General Submission Guidelines below, as well as the Category-Specific Guidelines applicable to your work. Collectively, these criteria serve as the rules and conditions governing eligibility and participation in the Festival.

2022 Festival Submissions Guidelines

The call for submissions will open on April 4 and close on May 31, 2021. Submissions addressing the 2022 theme The Journey will be accepted in four main categories, plus a special category for poets:

Please see the Submission Guidelines section for additional information on the rules of entry and category-specific guidelines.


First and second-place awards will be presented in each of the four categories:

 Click Here for the Official Link 


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