Home Fellowships TWAS-SISSA 2024 Lincei Research Cooperation 

TWAS-SISSA 2024 Lincei Research Cooperation 

TWAS, in partnership with the Lincei Academy and SISSA, provides an opportunity for young scientists from Least Developed Countries to engage in research activities at laboratories in Trieste, Italy, including SISSA. This initiative allows them to conduct research in various scientific disciplines represented in the SISSA portfolio (details can be found below and in the application form).

Young scientists from Least Developed Countries who possess an MSc or a higher degree are eligible to spend three months at laboratories in Trieste, Italy, such as SISSA, to undertake collaborative research projects. These projects may encompass areas such as Physics, Neuroscience, Mathematics, Science Outreach, and COVID-related research, all of which align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The TWAS-SISSA Lincei Research Cooperation Visits Program is designed to foster international collaboration in research. Funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, along with the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, this initiative will cover travel costs and provide living expenses for participants during their time in Italy. The management and financial aspects of TWAS are handled by UNESCO, following a formal agreement between the two entities.

Requirements for TWAS-SISSA Lincei Research Cooperation Visits Program Qualification

  • Applicants must be a maximum age of 40 years on 31 December of the application year.
  • Applicants must hold an MSc (or higher degree).
  • Applicants must be nationals of a Least Developed Country (please see the United Nations definition at https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/least-developed-country-category.html, as well as a list of eligible countries).
  • Applicants must hold a research position in a Least Developed Country.
  • Particular attention will be given to research projects that fall under the umbrella of sustainability science.
  • Women scientists are especially encouraged to apply.
  • Applicants already on site in the host country are not eligible.
  • Only applications in the scientific fields specified below and listed in the application form will be considered.

Application Deadline

October 14, 2024

How to Apply

  • Fellowships are awarded by the Selection Committee on the basis of scientific merit.
  • Applications should be completed in English.
  • Applicants need to submit the complete application form duly signed and send it to the TWAS Secretariat. Applications may be sent by email as long as pages with signatures are sent as scanned documents. Incomplete/unsigned applications will NOT be accepted.
  • if you are interested and qualified. For additional information, check out the official link

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