Home Competitions Recover Africa Youth Competition

Recover Africa Youth Competition

by sam
  • Organization: Fairtrade Africa 
  • Type: Competition
  • Award: Win 500 Euros & project mentorship
  • Application Deadline: April 23,2021

COVID-19 has affected youth across the globe in a disproportionate manner. In its very unprecedented standard, the pandemic has caused harm that shall remain irreversible for a long time. Among many other disturbances to life as they knew it, young Africans have faced disruptions in education and training, income streams due to job losses, and social vulnerability. A year after the onset of the pandemic, it is absolutely clear that things are never going back to where we were in November 2019. In a bid to find sustainable solutions and build back better, it is important to look at youth as contributors to the solutions.

We believe that all youth have had unique experiences during the pandemic that can be expressed through media, works of art and innovations. The Recover Africa Youth Competition invites youth to look back at their experiences and depict them for a chance to be part of the recovery process. By telling us your COVID-19 experience, you stand a chance to win 500 Euros to implement a community project of choice.

The Recover Africa Youth Competition is part of the larger Recover Africa project by Fairtrade Africa and BMZ.

Click Here for the Official Link 


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