Home Competitions African Union/GIZ Agenda 2063 Woman’s Photojournalism Award

African Union/GIZ Agenda 2063 Woman’s Photojournalism Award

by sam
  • Organization: African Union
  • Type: Competition 
  • Award: $2,000 Prize 
  • Eligibility: African Citizens 
  • Application Deadline: May 15,2021

Pictures have the power to reflect everyday life experiences and are a valuable tool for storytelling. They capture a moment in time in history and also have the power to transport one to faraway places. 

The African Union and GIZ have joined forces to launch The Agenda 2063 Africa Photojournalism Project for African Female Journalists. 

The agenda 2063 Africa Photojournalism Project aims to inspire photo journalists from all across the continent to share powerful images telling Africa’s story from an African perspective. The Project also aims to capacitate journalist by providing them with training that will enhance their craft and storytelling ability through the use of imagery. 

The Project is in line with Africa’s Development Strategy Agenda 2063 which provides the framework for Africa’s socio-economic growth agenda through the implementation of key projects that will transform the continent into a global powerhouse. Key to this transformation is changing the narratives and stereotypes about Africa and Africans and inculcating the spirit of Pan Africanism as envisioned in Aspiration 5 of Agenda 2063. 

Submissions are invited under the following categories, guided by aspirations of Agenda 2063:   

  • Category 1– Agriculture, rural environment, land rights and skills development
  • Category 2– Regional economic integration, transport and information infrastructure
  • Category 3– Good governance: Human rights, justice and rule of law
  • Category 4 –Silencing the guns in Africa: Conflict prevention and transformation, mediation 
  • Category 5– Youth and women 
  • Category 6– Democracy and digitalization
  • Category 7– Africa’s young research excellence and innovative solution building 

Deadline for submissions: 15th May 2021

Click Here for the Official Link 


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