Home Fellowships Newton International Fellowships for Early Career Scientists

Newton International Fellowships for Early Career Scientists

by sam
  • Organization: The Newton Fund 
  • Type: Fellowship 
  • Funding: Funded 
  • Hosting Country: UK
  • Application Deadline: June 16,2021

The Newton Fund in collaboration with the Royal Society is pleased to announce the commencement of the fellowship scheme which is to provide international researchers with the opportunity of developing their research capacities and strength through training, collaboration and reciprocal visits with a partner in the United Kingdom.

The skills and knowledge that will be gained from the fellowship will be harnessed for the wellbeing of the communities as well as used to increase the economic benefits of the society. The award is currently available for early career group leaders or researchers to develop their research linking them with some of the best research groups in the UK.

Fellowship Benefits

  • Subsistence, at a fixed rate of £24,000 per annum.
  • Research expenses
  • Relocation expenses
  • Contribution to visa costs
  • Contribution to overheads at UK Host organization.

Click Here for the Official Link 


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