Home Competitions Xposure International Photography & Film Awards 2021

Xposure International Photography & Film Awards 2021

by sam
  • Organization: Sharjah Government Media Bureau
  • Type: Competition 
  • Award: Up to $3000 USD
  • Application Deadline: November 1, 2021

A FREE to enter International Photography & Film Awards with great prizes across several genres. Photographers of all ages, backgrounds, and experience are eligible to enter the Xposure International Awards. We have also included a category for filmmakers. The panel of judges are looking to award an Overall Winner from the photography categories and additionally a winner and runner-up from each category including moving image & short-films. The Jury is looking for unique, exceptional and high-quality images.

Architectural Photography
Drone Photography
Junior Category*
Landscape Photography
Short Film & Moving Image
Travel Photography
Wildlife Photography

In each category, there will be:
1 Winner
1 Runner-up
5 Additional Nominated Entries (Nominees)

In addition to the category winners, there will be an overall winner determined from the highest score achieved, regardless of category entered.

Prizes & Benefits

Overall Winner – $3,000 (USD) / digital imaging equipment / Flights and accommodation to the Awards Ceremony in Sharjah UAE / Included in the Xposure festival exhibition / Publication in the Xposure Year Book

Category Winners – $1,500 (USD) / digital imaging equipment / Flights and accommodation to the Awards Ceremony in Sharjah UAE / Included in the Xposure festival exhibition / Publication in the Xposure Year Book

Category Runner-up – $750 (USD) / Included in the Xposure festival exhibition / Flights and accommodation to the Awards Ceremony in Sharjah UAE /Publication in the Xposure Year Book

Nominees – Online Exhibition / displayed during the Xposure Festival

Junior Category for under 18 – UAE Residents
. This is a restricted “Junior” category for residents of the United Arab Emirates who are under 18. (Alternate prizes apply – see below) In addition to the main prizes of best overall entry, all winning and shortlisted photographers of each category will be included in the publication of the Xposure Year Book and featured in a gallery at Xposure.  In each category, there shall be awarded:

Junior Category under 18 ‘Winner’ – Photo equipment and included in the Xposure festival exhibition / Publication in the Xposure Year Book / Invitation to the Awards Ceremony.

Junior Category under 18 ‘Runner-up’ – Included in the Xposure festival exhibition / Invitation to the Awards Ceremony.

Competition Entries
Online entries will be accepted from 1 July 2021 until 1 November 2021 at 23:00 GST – Gulf Standard Time (Standard Time) is (UTC +4)

Click Here for the Official Link 


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