Home Competitions Google Conference and Travel Scholarships

Google Conference and Travel Scholarships

by sam
  • Organization: Google 
  • Type: Travel Scholarship 
  • Award:  1,000 – 3,000 USD
  • Application Deadline: August 1,2021

At Google, we believe a diversity of attributes, experiences, and perspectives are needed to build tools that can change the world. Everyone deserves an opportunity to pursue connections in the industry, networking with peers, and a career path in technology. To help break down the barriers that prevent underrepresented groups in technology and business from attending leading conferences, we’re excited to offer Google Conference and Travel Scholarships for selected conferences in the tech industry and related fields.

  • Africa: An award in the range of 1,000 – 3,000 USD that will cover conference registration, travel, accommodation and related expenses. Scholarship amount depends on cost for the international conference.

Scholarship eligibility varies by region, so please review the information on the region-specific tabs on the top. Scholarships will be awarded to the most qualified persons based on application review. Every applicant will be notified of their status according to the time frames specified for the region.

Click Here for the Official Link 


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