Home Funding Kneeling Curve Prize 2021

Kneeling Curve Prize 2021

by sam
  • University or Organization: 
  • Type: Funding 
  • Award: Up to $ 25,000
  • Application Deadline: February 10,2021

To that end, we’re looking for projects with a proven track record of taking greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere. We’ve developed five categories, each one addressing a specific sector of climate innovation.

We award $25,000 to two projects in each category annually. 

The Global Warming Mitigation Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is identifying, activating, and accelerating projects and programs worldwide that are reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing carbon uptake. This includes direct funding of vetted organizations, enhancing networking and promotional efforts, identifying ways to unleash funding opportunities for climate solutions, and supporting climate justice.

Currently, our programs include the Keeling Curve Prizeand theSphere. The Keeling Curve Prize awards $250,000 annually to projects that display proven carbon uptake, drawdown, or sequestration efforts. The Sphere is a networking portal for climate projects, funders, and individuals. 

Click Here for the Official Link 


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