Home Competitions Photography & Literature Competition 2021

Photography & Literature Competition 2021

by sam
  • Organization: Wortimbild
  • Type: Competition 
  • Award: Up to 1600 
  • Application Deadline: May 17,2021

We read – we read a lot, and often. – Words, texts, writings.
But what about the language of images? – An image can say more than a thousand words.

„… literature is one-eyed. The laughing eye is missing“(Erich Kästner)

This competition is aimed at photographers, and is for works inspired by specific works of literature. The choice of literary form (poetry, prose, drama etc.) is open. Only one entry per person will be accepted. The entry shall not exceed 9 MB.

10 winners will be chosen by the jury Gabriele Rothemann, Klaus Feichtenberger and Eva Asaad.

An exhibition of the winners will take place during the days of Geman Literature in the Hafenstadt from 16th June until 16th July, 2021 in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee.

Deadline: 17 may 2021 , 10 pm  

The main prizes are

800€ for First Place, 
500€ for Second Place, 
and 300€ for Third Place

Click Here for the Official Link 

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