Home Fellowships Making a Difference with Multimedia Fellowship 2021 for Leaders of Youth-Led Organization

Making a Difference with Multimedia Fellowship 2021 for Leaders of Youth-Led Organization

by sam
  • Organization: PRB
  • Type: Fellowship
  • Hosting Country: Nigeria 
  • Application Deadline: April 30,2021

If you are part of a youth-led organization working on environmental conservationor reproductive health advocacy and you want to expand your influence, become a more effective communicator, and build your multimedia production skills, this opportunity is for you.


Leaders from selected organizations will participate in a six-month interactive training program focused on the building blocks of effective and sustainable advocacy. Training topics include understanding and interpreting data and evidence, strategic messaging, multimedia production skills, and community mobilization/engagement best practices. Between monthly training sessions, fellows will use their new skills and knowledge to plan and launch a multimedia campaign focused on a topic of their choice.

Participants will receive coaching and feedback from fellowship staff and senior fellows from Bridge Connect Africa Initiative (BCAI), a youth-led institution based in Kano State, Nigeria. Other direct support, including professional mentorship in multimedia skills and grants for equipment and travel, will also be available to fellows.



  • Led by youth (ages 18 to 29).
  • Able to communicate effectively in English, as trainings and correspondence with PACE staff will be done in English (advocacy campaigns can be in other languages).
  • Must be based in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, India, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Yemen, or Zambia (USAID family planning priority countries).

Click Here for the Official Link 


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