Home Competitions The Huawei HMS App Innovation Contest

The Huawei HMS App Innovation Contest

by sam
  • Organization: Huawei 
  • Type: Competition
  • Award: USD $ 1Million total in cash prize 
  • Application Deadline: August 20th2021

This contest is open to developers from all over the world. Participation is as simple as signing up with your HUAWEI ID.

Individuals aged 17 and under are not eligible to enter the contest.

Employees of Huawei and its affiliates, and their immediate relatives, are not eligible to enter the contest.

You can participate in the contest on your own, or as part of a team. All members of the team must belong to the same contest region.

Rules for setting up a team

(1) Each contestant is only eligible to join a single team.

(2) Each team can have no more than 3 members.

(3) Each team should have a team leader who is responsible for team management, such as inviting or deleting members and submitting works.

(4) A team member can apply to join or leave a team.

(5) The score for a contest submission belongs to the team. If a team member leaves the team, all existing scores will continue to belong to the team, rather than the departing member.

You will be disqualified in the event of the following:

(1) You plagiarise the work of others;

(2) Third-party code plug-ins used in your works are not authorised, and/or are the source of a legal dispute; or

(3) Your works violate any relevant terms, service agreements, or rules applicable to HUAWEI DEVELOPER services, including but not limited to the HUAWEI Developer Service AgreementAgreement on Use of Huawei APIs, and AppGallery Review Guidelines.

Click Here for the Official Link 


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