Home Funding Global Environmental Education Partnership Youth Innovation Challenge

Global Environmental Education Partnership Youth Innovation Challenge

by sam
  • Host Institution: 
  • Type:  Grant 
  • Award:  $1,000 USD
  • Application Deadline: October 25, 2021

We invite YOU to help us solve two of the world’s most pressing issues: climate change and marine litter.

The Youth Innovation Challenge invites applicants from 15 to 30 years of age to propose a solution to address climate change, marine litter, or both issues, that uses environmental education as a key element. Solutions must be innovative, feasible, and informed by research. 

An innovative solution could include applying an existing tool or approach in a new context, such as adapting an existing approach to a new environmental issue, audience, or scale. Or a solution could involve something completely new! We encourage you to think creatively about the problem you want to solve, the steps you propose to take, and who you will work with to achieve your goal.

Proposed solutions should also be feasible and address an unmet community need at any scale. Your target community could be geographic, such as your city or country, or tied to shared interests, such as a school or a professional community. Your solution should consider the needs and characteristics of your community. 

Finally, proposed solutions should consider the complex social, economic, and/or environmental dynamics of climate change and marine litter through informed research and evidence from credible sources. This background research should demonstrate how your solution is relevant to the audience you are hoping to reach and will help us understand your knowledge of the issue(s). 


All eligible proposals will be evaluated by a panel of experts in relevant fields. A total of 15 YIC finalists will be selected and will receive the following benefits: 

• An official YIC finalist certificate
• Recognition through GEEP, NAAEE, and other global partners’ websites and social media pages • Additional exposure for their solution to environmental education leaders and influencers at the 

2021 Asia Pacific Virtual EE Forum 

We will select 3 YIC winners from the 15 YIC finalists. Each winner will receive a $1,000 USD grant, in addition to all the benefits listed above. 


The Youth Innovation Challenge is intended for young leaders and innovators aged 15–30. Your innovative solutions must: 

• address climate change or marine litter, or both (since these issues are connected)
• include an environmental education component (see important guidance in Selection criteria below) • be submitted online through Submittable (only one proposal per person will be accepted) 

For More Information Visit the Official Scholarship Website:


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