Home Funding Child Protection Compact (CPC) Partnership Programming in Romania

Child Protection Compact (CPC) Partnership Programming in Romania

by sam

The Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (TIP Office) announces an open competition for projects in support of a forthcoming Child Protection Compact (CPC) Partnership between the United States and the Government of Romania.Special Offer: Premium Membership at $29/year!Enjoy 85% off and gain access to exclusive content, ad-free experience, and more.
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The CPC Partnership is jointly developed and implemented by the United States and the Government of Romania through a multi-year plan (at least five years). The purpose of the CPC is to strengthen Romanian government and civil society efforts to prevent child trafficking in Romania; effectively investigate, prosecute, and convict perpetrators of child trafficking; proactively identify, protect, and provide comprehensive, trauma- informed care for child victims; and promote effective collaboration to combat child trafficking.

U.S.-Romania CPC Partnership Goal: 

  • The Government of Romania combats forced child labor and child sex trafficking in a coordinated, victim-centered, and proactive manner that addresses targeted risk factors, ensures comprehensive victim protection, and effectively investigates, prosecutes, and convicts child traffickers.

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  • The anticipated overarching objectives (pending the signing of the CPC Partnership) are:
    • Objective 1 (Prevention): The Government of Romania coordinates with civil society on child trafficking prevention efforts to reduce the influence of risk factors and vulnerabilities leading to victimization through trafficking in persons.
    • Objective 2 (Protection): The Government of Romania supports child trafficking victims directly by providing accessible, trauma-informed, and victim-centered care and by supporting local civil society working on protection throughout the country.
    • Objective 3 (Prosecution): Justice sector actors utilize trafficking-specific legal frameworks to identify child trafficking victims, investigate cases, and prosecute and convict perpetrators of child trafficking in a child-friendly, victim-centered and trauma-informed manner.
    • Objective 4 (Partnership): The Government of Romania addresses child trafficking in a coordinated manner across all relevant national and county authorities as well as with civil society.

Funding Information

  • Applicants should develop proposals that cover the entire funding amount they propose for a multi-year program, with the maximum award amount set at $10,000,000 (USD) for up to five (5) years.
  • Total Funding Floor: $1,000,000

Eligibility Criteria

  • Organizations eligible to apply include U.S.-based and foreign non-profits, non-governmental organizations (including faith-based organizations), public international organizations (PIOs), institutions of higher education, and for-profit entities. Applications submitted by for-profit entities may be subject to additional review following the panel selection process. Additionally, the Department of State prohibits profit to for-profit or commercial organizations under its assistance awards. Profit is defined as any amount in excess of allowable direct and indirect costs.
  • While foreign governments are not eligible to apply, governments may be beneficiaries of programs provided that funding does not pay salaries of government agency personnel and that such assistance is not restricted by U.S. law or policy.
  • The eligibility requirements for applying to this funding opportunity do not restrict applicants from receiving other sources of funding from the United States government, including funding from other bureaus within the Department of State. However, the applicant must provide information on any work conducted with U.S. government funding related to human-trafficking issues or relevant cross-cutting issues (e.g., child protection, health, education, labor, gender, etc.) within the project narrative.
  • Applicants should have existing active partnerships with thematic or in-country partners, entities, and relevant stakeholders, including government interlocutors, private sector actors, and local civil society organizations and/or non-governmental organizations. Applicants should have demonstrable experience in administering successful projects, preferably in child trafficking or related areas, in Romania. The TIP Office reserves the right to request additional background information on applicants that do not have previous experience administering federal grant awards, and these applicants may be subject to limited funding on a pilot basis.
  • Under this funding opportunity, applicants may form a consortia and partner with other organizations to implement and carry out project activities. Applicants proposing to partner with other organizations must clearly identify the lead applicant, and the applicant may designate one or more partner organizations as sub-recipients. Applicants are required to partner with at least one local Romanian organization. For the purposes of this funding opportunity, a partner organization is any organization that would receive sub-award funding from a successful applicant to help the applicant organization implement anti-trafficking projects. All mandatory terms and conditions for a successful applicant also apply to any sub-awards awarded.
  • The TIP Office is committed to an anti-discrimination policy in all its projects and activities. The TIP Office welcomes applications irrespective of race, ethnicity, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or other status.
  • The TIP Office encourages proposals that advance racial equity and support and promote equitable representation of underserved communities.

please visit Grants.gov.

Deadline: 18-Jul-24

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