Home Funding Emerging Generation of Leaders in Democratic Governance (Tanzania)

Emerging Generation of Leaders in Democratic Governance (Tanzania)

by sam

Deadline: 11-Jul-24

The U.S. Department of State, U.S. Embassy Dar es Salaam announces an Open Competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for projects that support Strengthening Democratic Governance.

Goals and Objectives
  • The Project aims to develop capacity and foster a collaborative network of an emerging generation of Tanzanian leaders to advance Tanzania’s democratic governance.
  • To accomplish this goal, the Project will support a diverse network of reform-minded leaders throughout the democratic ecosystem of Tanzania, who will serve as catalysts for strengthening democratic gains. It envisions a sustained effective engagement program that promises to build the scope of shared democratic values that underpins Tanzania’s continued democratic progress.  Approaches should prioritize in-person engagement and seek to balance breadth and reach as well as more intensive support for democratic champions.
  • Objective 1:  Foster value of democratic governance in a generation of senior-level leaders.
  • Objective 2:  Build capacity in emerging leaders in sector specific fields.
Funding Information
  • Total Funding:  $986,500.00
  • Period of Performance:  October 2024 – September 2027 (36 months)
  • Anticipated Number of Awards:  1
  • Anticipated Award Signing:  September 2024
Expected Results
  • Specific results could include the following:
    • Sustained, robust, and meaningful engagement with emerging leaders over three years leading to lifetime impact and support for Tanzania’s democratic trajectory.
  • To achieve the goals and expected results, the program could include the following:
    • For a pipeline program of high-level emerging leaders, a U.S. Mission-implementing partner panel will identify and invite key emerging Tanzanian leaders to participate in a progressive pipeline program, which starts with a speaker series, continues with a multiday workshop, carries forward with regional exchange programs in collaboration with Summit for Democracy countries, and culminates with a robust study tour of the United States.  These leaders – drawn from a variety of sectors and fields – harbor significant potential in shaping the future of Tanzania from an economic, political, and security perspective.
    • Additionally, the panel would identify, evaluate, and select emerging leaders (different participants from those in the pipeline program) from each of the following six sectors – political parties, government, media, security, civil society, and academia.  Participants will be invited to focused exchanges, speaker programs, interactive workshops, regional subject matter expert engagements, and other programs, with programming intensely shaped towards and focused on their respective fields.
  • To achieve the goals and expected results, illustrative interventions may include:
    • A speakers series
    • Dialogues
    • Exchanges, in-country and international
    • Other creatively designed fora
  • These interventions are illustrative and Offerors should develop their own interventions and approaches that would best meet the goals for this program.
Performance Indicators
  • All projects should aim to have impact that leads to a new generation of Tanzanian leaders with enhanced capacity and incentive to foster effective democratic governance.
  • Competitive proposals must demonstrate the applicant’s ability to achieve objectives and carry out the activities that that support Strengthening Democratic Governance.
  • A proven track record of collaborating and sub-granting effectively with Tanzanian organizations, as well as coordinating in the region, will be viewed favorably.  A capacity to effectively and expeditiously identify and vet the most appropriate program participants will also be viewed favorably.
  • Competitive proposals must demonstrate a commitment to gender equity and a broadly inclusive approach, in particular the inclusion of individuals from marginalized groups.
Eligibility Criteria
  • U.S. Embassy Dar es Salaam welcomes applications from:
    • Not-for-profit organizations subject to section 501(c) (3) of the U.S. tax code, including think tanks and civil society/non-governmental organizations
    • Foreign-based non-profit organizations/nongovernment organizations (NGO)
    • Public and private educational institutions
    • Public International Organizations and Governmental institutions

how to apply



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