Home Funding Supporting Marginalised and Excluded Groups in the UK

Supporting Marginalised and Excluded Groups in the UK

by sam

Deadline: 26-Jul-24

They aim to support organisations who learn from their work and respect the agency and talents of the people they work with, putting their interests front and centre.

They fund small to medium sized organisations who work in the priority areas.

Priority Areas
  • Migrants and refugees
  • The justice system and penal reform
  • Human rights
  • Access to justice
Funding Information
  • Migrants and refugees
    • Largest grant: £30,000
    • Average grant: £19,500
    • Smallest grant: £10,000
  • The justice system and penal reform
    • Largest grant: £27,500
    • Average grant: £19,600
    • Smallest grant: £15,000
  • Human rights and Access to justice
    • Largest grant: £27,500
    • Average grant: £19,500
    • Smallest grant: £15,000
What they Fund?
  • The A B Charitable Trust works with organisations which do any or all of the following:
    • They usually fund organisations working solely in this priority area. For these organisations, core funding (unrestricted grants) or project funding (restricted grants) are both available. They are happy to give unrestricted funding so please don’t create a project specially for them, but feel free to apply for project funding if that would most benefit your organisation at the current time.
    • Very occasionally they also accept restricted grant applications from organisations working more broadly, where the work that fits the priorities forms a significant strand, and the organisation can show it is best placed to deliver the work.
    • Strengthen the voluntary sector and support organisations delivering work in this area
    • Migrants and refugees
      • Deliver services directly targeting migrant communities, and people who are refugees or seeking asylum
      • Influence law and policy, public opinion and narratives
    • The Justice System and Penal Reform
      • Deliver effective services for individuals (and their families) who are at risk of contact with or within the justice system (at any stage, from prevention to police to courts and prison)
      • Support effective rehabilitation in the community
      • Work to influence policy, public opinion, and narratives and to reform/reimagine the justice system
    • Human Rights
      • Deliver activities to protect the human rights framework and the principles of human rights and the rule of law, including campaigning, advocacy, and narrative change work
      • Note: this does not include single issue or single right campaigning work, or human rights work focused on particular groups, unless these are captured by the other funding streams.
    • Access To Justice
      • Provide specialist legal advice and representation. By ‘specialist’ they mean related to resolving a legal problem with specialist casework and/or advice through representation, and/or by being expert in a specific area of law
      • Work to influence law, policy and practice through e.g. strategic litigation or public law challenges
Eligibility Criteria
  • To be eligible for the open programme, an applicant will:
    • Work in one of the priority areas
    • Be registered as a UK charity, delivering work in the UK
    • Have an annual income between £150k and £1.5m (this applies to the most recent published accounts and the two subsequent financial years – this would include draft figures and forecasts).
    • Have operated for at least a year and be able to provide a full year’s audited or independently examined accounts
  • Individuals
  • The promotion of religion
  • Capital appeals
  • Academic research
  • Charities with large national links

For more information, visit and apply on A B Charitable Trust.

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