Home Fellowships Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program

Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program

The Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (CADFP) supports educational projects at African higher education institutions. Funded by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY) and managed by IIE, the program has awarded 705 fellowships since its start in 2013. The upcoming application cycle for Project Requests will run from July 15 to September 18, 2024.

Applying to CADFP

  1. The CADFP offers a fellowship program for African institutions in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and member institutions of ARUA and partner universities with CARTA. This program allows African-born scholars to collaborate on research projects, teach/mentor graduate students, and co-develop curriculum. The application process consists of two parts.
  2. The CADFP is a fellowship program designed for African institutions in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and member institutions of ARUA and partner universities with CARTA. It provides an opportunity for African-born scholars to engage in research collaboration, graduate student teaching/mentoring, and curriculum co-development. The application process is divided into two parts.

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1. Objectives and Advantages of CADFP Fellowship Program Fellows from the African diaspora are entitled to:

– A daily stipend of $150

– Coverage of visa expenses (if necessary)

– Additional health insurance

– Round-trip airfare and ground transportation between their home and the North American airport

– Possibility to seek additional funding for knowledge production activities and workshop participation.

2. Eligibility Criteria for CADFP Fellowship Program In order to qualify for the CADFP, a scholar from the African diaspora must meet the following requirements:

– Born in any African country, as confirmed by the biographical information in the scholar’s passport;

– Reside in the United States or Canada; – Possess a terminal degree; and

– Work full-time at a recognized college or university in the United States or Canada. Scholars can have any academic rank, except for postdocs who are not eligible

3. Documents Required for Application

As part of the application, scholars submit

-Statement of Purpose

-Details regarding their academic background,

-Specialized knowledge and leadership in their field.

-A recommendation letter from a Dean (or equivalent administrator) at their current university is mandatory.

How to apply ?

Application deadline: September 18, 2024

To apply, visit the Institute of International Education (IIE)

if you are interested and qualified. For additional information, check out the CADFP website.

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