Home Scholarships ITC Small Businesses from Developing Countries in China

ITC Small Businesses from Developing Countries in China

The International Trade Centre (ITC) is extending an invitation to small businesses from developing countries operating in the processed food, consumer goods, or services sectors to seek ITC assistance in attending the 7th China International Import Expo 2024 (CIIE) taking place from 5-10 November in Shanghai, China.

China stands as the world’s second-largest importer and consumer, with CIIE being the premier event of its kind. Once more, ITC is facilitating the involvement of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) from developing nations in CIIE.

CIIE 2024 is a collaborative effort between the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM) and the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government. The event anticipates the participation of government officials, business communities, exhibitors, and professional buyers from around the globe. ITC has proudly served as an official sponsor of CIIE since 2019.

Aim and Benefits of Small Businesses

Applicants will benefit the following:

  • Promote their products and services with good export potential to China, focusing on:
  • Processed food and agricultural products
  • Consumer goods
  • Services, specifically tourism, education or information and communications technologies (ICT)
  • Familiarize themselves with Chinese market requirements including product quality, delivery conditions, export pricing, market trends and offers by competitors.
  • Meet potential Chinese and international business partners.

Small Business Qualification Criteria To be eligible for consideration,

applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • – Must be based in a developing country
  • – Offer products or services in sectors such as processed food, consumer goods, or services like tourism, education, or ICT
  • – Should be export-ready, with experience in exporting to China and/or other developed countries
  • – Participate in CIIE with a representative who has decision
  • -making authority, is proficient in English and/or Chinese, and can dedicate time to prepare for the event
  • – Have products that can enter the Chinese market and understand the import policies, sanitary measures, and conditions for accessing China
  • – Be capable of exporting to China in terms of quality and quantity
  • – Complete the required online training courses provided by ITC
  • – Provide high-quality marketing materials and detailed product specifications
  • – Ship representative samples for exhibition in 2024
  • – Possess digital skills and internet access
  • – Maintain a permanent email address for communication
  • – Assist in the Expo registration process by submitting necessary documents
  • – Have an operational website
  • – Ideally, have experience participating in trade fairs
  • – Be able to communicate via WeChat – Share the expenses related to participation, including travel costs and local transportation in Shanghai.

Application Deadline

August 10, 2024

How to Apply

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