Home Funding East Africa Creative Business Fund

East Africa Creative Business Fund

by sam
  • University or Organization: HEVA
  • Type: Funding  
  • Award:between USD 20,000 and USD 50,000
  • Application Deadline: Ongoing 

In partnership with the European Commission, and Agence Française de Développement (AFD), HEVA has opened applications to the East Africa Creative Business Fund– an additional facility to the existing growth fund. This will see an additional investment of USD 380,000 go to creative businesses that are registered and operational in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Ethiopia. 

The East Africa Creative Business Fund is a patient loan facility that will be made available to successful applicants through debt investments of between USD 20,000 and USD 50,000, given for a maximum of 4 years. This fund is designed to provide financing for creative businesses to: restructure interrupted supply chains; increase production capacity; diversify offerings; increase market share; increase integration in local and regional value chains; support transition to low-touch and digital capabilities; and take advantage of new opportunities. 

Click Here for the Official Link 


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