Home Funding Call for Entrepreneurs for Resilience Award 2020

Call for Entrepreneurs for Resilience Award 2020

by sam

Organization: The Swiss Re Foundation

Type: Competition, Grant 

Award: USD 350,000

Application Deadline: November 8,2020

The 2021 Resilience Award focuses on innovative solutions that increase financial access to healthcare in low-income communities. More specifically, they are looking for innovative, market-based solutions that increase the household resources available for healthcare and/or reduce health shocks that lead to poverty or economic vulnerability following a disease or an accident.

For those ventures where the financial solution is part of a more comprehensive approach, they are in scope for this award if the financial solution is both a) at the core of the broader approach used and b) innovative or distinctive in some way.


The Award program involves a grant (paid in several installments over one to three years) from the Swiss Re Foundation and, depending on the nature, scope, and needs of the enterprise, non-financial contributions from Swiss Re employees, such as coaching and technical advice.

Three finalists are invited to pitch their ventures face-to-face to an award jury consisting of senior Swiss Re experts, academic representatives, and selected Swiss Re clients. The total prize money of USD 700 000 is divided amongst the winner (which receives up to USD 350 000) and two runners-up.

The Award program also offers Swiss Re employees across the world a chance to select their favorite enterprise from the three finalists. The finalist with the most votes receives the “Employee Award” and a special prize. The same enterprise may win both the Employee Award and the Resilience Award in a given year.

Click Here for the Official Link 


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