Home Scholarships King’s College London Hans Rausing Scholarships 2021-2022

King’s College London Hans Rausing Scholarships 2021-2022

by sam
  • University: King’s College
  • Course Level: Masters & PhD
  • Award: Full tuition fee
  • Hosting Country: London 
  • Application Deadline: March 15,2021

The Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHoSTM) at King’s College London invites applications for Hans Rausing Scholarships to begin in October 2021. The scholarships are available to students from overseas, the EU and the UK (with no restrictions regarding nationality) to study the history of science and/or technology at Masters and PhD-level at the Centre (please note that research projects in the history of medicine are not eligible).

Scholarships are available as:

  • a one-plus-three year award (“1+3 award”), which funds the student to take one of the KCL MA History programmes, with progression to doctoral study at CHoSTM subject to the satisfactory completion of the MA; or
  • a three-year award (“+3 award”), to fund doctoral study only, for students who already have a Master’s degree in the history of science, technology, and/or medicine (HSTM), or a Master’s degree in History or a related humanities or social science field with an HSTM taught component or HSTM research experience.

Applicants should have an exceptional academic track record and outstanding research potential in the history of science and/or technology.

Click Here for Official Link 


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