Home Scholarships Utrecht Excellence Scholarships

Utrecht Excellence Scholarships

by sam
  • University: Utrecht University 
  • Course Level: Graduate 
  • Award: Tuition Fee
  • Hosting Country: Holland 
  • Application Deadline: January 31,2021


To be eligible for an Utrecht Excellence Scholarship, the following criteria must be met:

  • Belong to the top 10% of your graduating class:
    an official document issued by your university that proves you are among the top 10% of your graduating class, such as a statement signed and stamped by your University, a reference letter, a class ranking certificate, etc.
  • Not hold an EU/EEA passport and not be eligible for support under the Dutch system of study grants and loans;
  • Have completed your secondary school and/or Bachelor degree outside the Netherlands;
  • Have applied for an international master’s programme with a start date of 1 September, 2021. Not all programmes participate, please check www.uu.nl/masters > master’s programme > Tuition fees and financial support to see if the Utrecht Excellence Scholarship is mentioned as a scholarship opportunity;
  • Be able to comply with the conditions to obtain a Dutch visa/residence permit.

Failure to meet one or more of these criteria automatically means the student is not eligible for this scholarship.


The Utrecht Excellence scholarship can be awarded as:

  • Tuition fees
  • Tuition fees plus 11.000 euro living expenses

As the grant is not automatically a full scholarship, it may be necessary to find additional funding to be able to finance your studies and stay completely. Students requiring a residence permit in the Netherlands must prove to the IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Office) that they have sufficient financial means. Read more about the budget the University advises.


20-25 scholarships will be available for 2021-2022, distributed across the 6 Graduate Schools.


Prospective students who wish to be considered for the scholarship must apply before 31 January 2021 (23:59 CET), after which the application portal will be closed. Your application for a scholarship will only be processed if you have submitted an application for a Master’s programme as well. Please note that in some cases you may need to apply before 1 December; check the ‘When to apply’ section under Admission and application of your master’s programme.

Click Here for the Official Link 


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