Home Funding Yalta Business Accelerator for SMEs in East Africa

Yalta Business Accelerator for SMEs in East Africa

by sam
  • Organization: Yalta 
  • Type: Grant  
  • Award: Up to 10,000 in grants 
  • Application Deadline: June 30,2021

What is the YALTA Business Accelerator about?

The YALTA Business Accelerator, an initiative of The Netherland Foods Partnership within the Youth in Agroecology and Business Learning Track Africa (YALTA page) calls upon SMEs in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda to submit their agroecological ideas for a sustainable, healthy and diverse food system.

The 10 selected participants will benefit from business & innovation skills training, innovation jams and coaching to improve their agroecological ideas and turn them into a plan that is ready to be implemented. All 10 participants will get the chance to pitch at a final event.

At the end of the final event, 3 winners will be announced. The winners will receive a matching grant and coaching to make game-changer ideas a reality.

Click Here for the Official Link 


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