Home Funding D-Prize Challenge 2022 Prize for Social Entrepreneurs to Fight Poverty

D-Prize Challenge 2022 Prize for Social Entrepreneurs to Fight Poverty

by sam

The world has already invented products and services to end poverty. Yet we have found dozens of proven interventions with large delivery gaps. Millions of people still don’t have access. 

Can you design a new business or NGO that delivers a proven poverty intervention at scale? Submit your idea to build a new organization and solve one of our Distribution Challenges below. We will award the most promising teams with up to $20,000 USD to launch wherever extreme poverty exists

Who Should Apply?

You should have enormous ambition, and can imagine yourself as a successful

entrepreneur. You are ready to launch your new venture, and if a pilot proves successful

you are excited to grow it into a world changing organization.

If you are still a student or have existing commitments, you should have a clear idea how to

transition into a full-time founder.

D-Prize is exclusively interested in ventures that will scale distribution of an already proven

poverty intervention in the developing world. We do not fund prototypes of promising new


D-Prize challenges are open to anyone or any teams. The sole restriction is that individuals

and their immediate family on the judging panel may not participate as a contestant.

D-Prize is also open to any business model (for profit, non-profit, and everything in

between). All winners will be awarded up to $20,000. The award is offered in the form of a

convertible grant.

Up to 20 of the most promising proposals will be selected for funding awards, regardless of

which challenge track was selected.

Click Here for the Official Link 


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